Thursday, February 28, 2008


I collect hobbies. I think that's a hobby in itself. And I am ALL into it in the planning stages. First it was scrapbooking. I discovered and then start taking classes online and shopping online. I was hooked. I joined two circle journal groups. I was totally into it. Now, not so much. I have a huge collection of supplies just sitting on the shelves that I hung in my closet specifically for my crafty goodness.

Then it was knitting. I taught myself how to knit and purl. I made a scarf (it's rather ugly but I can't make myself throw it out) and starting working on a hat. I'm 90% done with it but haven't touched it in a month. I still go on ravelry and drool over what others who seem to have a lot more free time than I are able to accomplish.

I think I'm in a creative dead zone.

As you can imgaine that gym thing is not going well. I've been twice in the last week, which is an accomplishment, but nowhere near my goal. It's just so coooolllllddd. Was that whiny enough? I cannot wait for spring.

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